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Trusting Jesus in Troubling Times

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READ Mark 4: 35- 41

In our Scripture Jesus was asleep in the boat with His disciple during a raging storm. Jesus had told them to take the boat from one side of lake Galilee to the other. It seems the journey started out peaceful enough, but then trouble struck. Anxiety grew to fear until the panic stricken disciples could no longer handle the situation on their own. They shook Jesus awake begging him to do something and accusing Him of not caring! Jesus awoke, stilled the storm, and rebuked their lack of trust.


Christian be encouraged! Are you in the midst of one of life’s storms right now? Is trouble, pressure, difficulty or even tragedy threatening to drown you today? Take courage. YOUR loving Saviour is with you in ‘the boat’ even as it rocks wildly.

Notice in our text that Jesus was at peace and in control when the disciples went to him in desperation. The same is true for you today. Your world might be rocked to breaking point, but your Saviour is not. He is the prince of peace and the LORD of the universe…AND He is with you.

When the going gets tough it is time for the child of God to run to Jesus. He will bring peace and help no matter what assaults the believer. In your worst hour you must draw near to God and he will comfort and help. Christians are not exempt from trouble in this life. ‘Storms’ will come to believers. However, in every storm, Jesus is in the same boat you are.


When the disciples woke Jesus up, they said ‘don’t you care’ about what is happening to us. Jesus showed them He did care. He showed them He was in full control. He rebuked and stilled the storm. He then rebuked them for not trusting Him just because the situation was dire.

If it is rough today, go to Jesus. Tell Him your need. Tell Him your fears. Tell Him you trust that He is with you and will take through ‘to the other side.’

Hebrews 13: 5 & 6 says He will never, EVER leave you, or abandon you.

Romans 8: 31- 38 says no set back, circumstance or force in the universe can seperate you from His love and care.

Romans 8:28 further assures you that God will turn everything you go through – good , bad, or ugly – around for your ultimate good.

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