The People behind the scene
Meet our team
We are a collective of ordinary people dedicated to following Jesus. Our mission is to help you flourish in your daily journey with God.
Shane Smith
Site Administrator and Contributor

I am a very satisfied believer in Jesus. I love good books, Bible study, bush walking, and visiting coffee shops with my wife.
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Contributing Author
What We believe
Our Team are all dedicated Christians. To find out our stance on other Christian beliefs not listed, feel free to contact us.
The Nature of God
There is one God, who exists eternally in three co equal persons; God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is the second person of the trinity. He is one essence with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
At his incarnation Jesus took on humanity. He became full deity and full humanity in the one person.
Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, was crucified for the sins of the whole world, was buried and rose bodily three days later.
Jesus has ascended to heaven, bodily, and will return physically one day to judge the living and the dead.
Jesus is the only way to enter into a relationship with God.
The Bible
The Bible is the only inspired revelation to mankind from God. It is inerrant and infallible in its original autographs.
Since the Bible is the Word of God, it is the standard for all Christian doctrine and behaviour.
Salvation is having one’s sins forgiven and coming into relationship with God.
Salvation is God’s Gift based on the merits of Christ’s atoning death and resurrection.
Salvation cannot be earned, it is given by God’s grace through faith.
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