• Understanding Abortion: A Christian Perspective

    When does life begin? Is abortion always wrong? What about women’s rights? Is abortion a sin? Can God forgive and heal those hurt by abortion? These and other questions like them swirl around the topic of abortion. This subject is one of the hot button issues of our times. It generates strong views and heated…


  • Working Together: The Key to Lasting Change

    LOVE ONE ANOTHER As human beings our welfare and development depends on us loving each other. By ‘love’ I mean ‘doing the right thing for the other.’ Someone once said, “none of us has it all together, but together we have it all.” I think this is true. I also think it was designed this…


  • Why God Doesn’t Answer Prayer: 14 Biblical Reasons

    This post is an example of one of the many free Bible Studies we have available at The Life Exchange Hub. To get a list of available topics contact us. All of our materials are free. You are welcome to use them for private study, to share them with others, or to use them in…


  • Trusting Jesus in Troubling Times

    READ Mark 4: 35- 41 In our Scripture Jesus was asleep in the boat with His disciple during a raging storm. Jesus had told them to take the boat from one side of lake Galilee to the other. It seems the journey started out peaceful enough, but then trouble struck. Anxiety grew to fear until…